Michelle Beech
Michelle Beech leads strategic visioning and creative direction with business teams and nonprofit leaders. Whether brand research and strategy, creative alchemy, team building or program development, she puts her heart for people front and center. She leads creative design and research strategy teams through her own company Elixir Marketing, and has been a senior strategist, department lead, and producer and editor in research consultancies and broadcast media affiliates for CBS, NBC, ABC and Hallmark. A journalist by education, ethical standards are a priority of her business philosophy and in life.
Blazing new trails comes naturally for Michelle as she’s proven in business and in ministry. She revels in innovation and facilitating new directions, and revealing opportunities that showcase the best in all of us. As an entrepreneur and nonprofit founder, she is comfortable operating in multiple cultural, religious and industry contexts. She leads Ekklesia Global, an inclusive and judgment-free spiritual community encouraging all people through thought-provoking conversations about God/The Divine Essence and our neighbor’s shared faith experiences. As a safe space for spiritual journey or recovery from religious trauma, “Ekklesia” envisions a more just and peaceful world fostering faith inspiration and curiosity.
Michelle enjoys learning from life—from travel, culture, history and architecture to music, decorating and entertaining. She enjoys the outdoors and either photographing or scrapbooking her many memories. She is passionate about people and hopes to be one of the most memorable friends you’ll ever make.
Brand, Marketing, PR, Public Relations, Copy Writing, Copy Editing, Proofreading, Graphic Design, Animation, Promotions, Video Production, Photography, Research, Strategy, Digital, Social Media, Strategic Planning, Ministry, multifaith, inter-faith, dialogue, spiritual, community, faith, inclusive, open, affirming, LGBTQ, racial and social justice, economic justice, education, B2B, Business-to-business, B2C, Business-to-consumer, multi-channel, broadcast, employee advocacy, public speaking, training, advertising, TCU, Brite Divinity, Elixir Marketing, Ekklesia Global, love.